BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101128T000000Z DTEND:20101128T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Tatsu Aoki's fusion</strong> \n<strong>Miyumi Project  </strong>\nfeaturing \n<strong>JASC Tsukasa Taiko </strong>\n<strong>a t Chicago Human Rhythm Project's 20th Anniversary </strong>\n<strong>Glob al Rhythms 6</strong>\n<strong><span style="font-weight: normal\;">\n</str ong><strong>Sunday\, November 28\, 2010 \n</strong><strong><em>3:00pm </ em></strong>\n<strong>Harris Theater for Music and Dance </strong>\n205 R andolph Drive\, Chicago\, IL 60601\n\n------------------------------------ ---------------------\n\nSupport the Japanese American Service Committee b y using the promotional code <strong>CHRP-JASC</strong> when purchasing your tickets! GLOBAL RHYTHMS will donate 50% of your ticket purchase direc tly to the Japanese American Service Committee while you and your friends and family <strong><span style="text-decoration: underline\;">save 10% of f your ticket price</strong> and enjoy a spectacular cultural event on No vember 28th at the Harris Theater in Millennium Park.\nTickets are $15 - $ 55 and remember\, <strong>50% of your ticket will directly support JASC w hile you save 10% off your admission</strong> when you use the promotiona l code!\nYou can use the promotion code <strong>CHRP-JASC</strong> when you purchase your ticket by phone\, online\, or at the Harris Theater Box Office\, but it <strong>MUST be mentioned to make the donation to JASC an d enjoy your discount</strong>.\n<strong>For tickets\, call 312.334.7777 o r <a href=" erformanceNumber=2820" target="_blank">click here to purchase tickets onli ne</a>.</strong>\n\n------------------------------------------------------ ---\n\n<strong>Sponsors include: \nIllinois Arts Council\, Alphawood Foun dation Chicago\, The Joyce Foundation\, Chicago Department of Cultural Aff airs\, Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation\, \nRichard H. Driehaus F oundation</strong> DTSTAMP:20250123T012701Z SUMMARY:Tatsu Aoki's Fusion Miyumi Project URL:/en/events/2010/11/28/tatsu-aokis-fusion-miyumi-project/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR