BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100729T000000Z DTEND:20100729T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In this rare bilingual Japanese-English appearance\, leading ta nka poet and Tokyo-based performance artist Mariko Kitakubo will present t anka Japan's oldest and most popular poetry form accompanied by music on o riginal instruments. L.A. awarding-winning tanka poet\, Linda Galloway\, P h.D. will read the stunning translation of Ms. Kitakubo's work by Amelia F ielden. Book signing to follow.\n\n<strong>Thursday\, July 22 &amp\; Thurs day\, July 29</strong>\n5 PM-6 PM &mdash\; Self-guided JANM Gallery Tour \n6 PM -7 PM &mdash\; Evening Champagne Tea Service\n7 PM -8 PM &mdash\;  Poetry Performance\n\n$20 Museum members\; $ 25 non-members\; $ 15 stud ents. Advance reservations required.\n\nFor information and to order ticke ts contact Chado Tea Room at 213.321.1748 or at\n\nM s Kitakubo's beautiful bilingual book edition of <em>On this Same Star</em > and her CD\, <em>Messages</em>\, accompanied by an original score on rar e Japanese instruments (with print translation) will be available for purc hase at the Museum Store.\n\nThis program is presented in partnership with Chado Tea Room and the Japanese American National Museum with special tha nks to Mariko Kitakubo and Linda Galloway.\n\nProceeds from the ticket and book sales to benefit the National Museum's educational programming and o utreach. DTSTAMP:20240909T080237Z SUMMARY:Evening Champagne Tea Service & Poetry Performance with Mariko Kita kubo & Linda Galloway\, Ph.D. URL:/en/events/2010/07/29/evening-champagne-tea-service-poetry-performance/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR