BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100221T000000Z DTEND:20100221T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Dreams Interrupted\, Dreams Fulfilled Sunday\, February 21\, 20 10\, 2 pm - 4 pm\n\nThe annual Bay Area Day of Remembrance (DOR) commemora tion will take place on Sunday\, February 21\, 2010\, 2 p.m.\, in San Fran cisco Japantown at the Sundance Kabuki Cinemas\, 1881 Post Street (at Webs ter)\, San Francisco Japantown\, with reception to follow at the Japanese Cultural and Community Center of Northern California\, 1840 Sutter St. (at Webster) also in Japantown.\n\nThis year's Day of Remembrance theme\, "Dr eams Interrupted\, Dreams Fulfilled\," recognizes the honorary degrees rec ently awarded to Japanese Americans whose educations were disrupted by the relocation and internment of the Japanese American community during WWII\ , and to the enduring value the community places on receiving an education . The 2010 Day of Remembrance will be MC&rsquo\;d by KTVU Channel 2 News r eporter Jana Katsuyama\, with a keynote by California State Assemblyman Wa rren Furutani\, author of CA Assembly Bill 37\, granting honorary degrees to the Nisei who were removed from their educational pursuits. This year's program will also feature the presentation of the 2010 Clifford Uyeda Pea ce and Humanitarian Award to distinguished human and civil rights activist Yuri Kochiyama. Additionally\, the Purple Moon Dance Project\, choreograp hed by Jill Togawa\, will perform excerpts of their work\, "When Dreams ar e Interrupted\,&rdquo\; revisiting the forced removal of the Berkeley Japa nese community in 1942.\n\nDOR has been an annual inspiring expression of the Japanese American community's vitality. Through cultural presentations \, education and a candle lighting ceremony\, the event commemorates the i ncarceration of over 120\,000 persons of Japanese ancestry during World Wa r II. In post 9/11 years\, as the nation has struggled through war abroad and other communities have been targeted as &ldquo\;the enemy\,&rdquo\; DO R has also become a time for diverse communities to stand together to carr y the light for justice and reaffirm a united commitment to civil and huma n rights today.\n\nThe traditional candle lighting ceremony will feature a diverse array of community volunteers and advocates\, and include shakuha chi music by Masayuki Koga. The program will close with an Interfaith Gath ering and Procession\, led by the Japanese American Religious Federation f rom the theater to the Japanese Cultural and Community Center\, where a re ception will conclude the day.\n\nThe Bay Area Day of Remembrance program is organized annually by the Bay Area Day of Remembrance Consortium\, with support from various Japanese American and Asian American community organ izations throughout the Bay Area\, including: Asian Improv aRts\, Asian La w Caucus\, API Legal Outreach\, Japanese American Religious Federation\, J apanese Community Youth Council\, Japanese Cultural and Community Center o f Northern California\, Japanese Peruvian Oral History Project\, Campaign for Justice &ndash\; Redress Now for Japanese Latin Americans\, Center for Asian American Media\, Nakayoshi Young Professionals\, National Coalition for Redress &amp\; Reparations\, National Japanese American Historical So ciety\, Tule Lake Committee\, San Francisco JACL Chapter and the UC Berkel ey Nikkei Student Union (partial list).\n\nTickets prices are $15 (door)\; $12 (advance)\; and group rates $10 (for 10 or more in advance). Call NJA HS for tickets at: (415) 921-5007. \nTickets can also be purchased online at: \nFor more information\, visit: DTSTAMP:20240909T010506Z SUMMARY:BAY AREA DAY OF REMEMBRANCE 2010 URL:/en/events/2010/02/21/bay-area-day-of-remembrance-2010/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR