BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100813T000000Z DTEND:20100815T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Ginza Holiday\nMidwest Buddhist Temple's annual celebration\nof Japanese crafts and culture\, the Ginza\nHoliday is an annual three-day e vent held the\nsecond weekend of August. The Ginza\nHoliday showcases the cultural heritage of those\nwho founded the temple and allows members to\n share this with the public through demonstra-\ntions of traditional Japane se art forms\, crafts\,\ncuisine and performances. One highlight of this\n festival is The Waza\, a group of "living treasure"\ncraftsmen who visit f rom Japan in order to\ndemonstrate their skills and share their\ncreations .\n\nDharma talks are presented regularly during\nGinza by a resident mini ster\, and tours of the\ntemple are held.\n\nThere is a nominal admission fee. A raffle\,\nwhich benefits temple programs and operation\,\nis held e ach year\; tickets are available from\nMBT members\, at the temple office\ , or at the\nevent.\n\nMidwest Buddhist Temple held its first Ginza\nHolid ay in 1956 at its former site several blocks\neast of the current temple. The festival took its\nname from The Ginza\, a busy and colorful \nshoppin g center and the most famous district in\nTokyo.\n\nBut 300 years ago\, th e area was famous for\nduck hunting\, as it was originally a vast\nswampla nd. Tokugawa Ieyasu ordered the\nreclamation of the area in 1603 and gave the\nwork to several feudal lords\, thus the lots were\nnamed for them - s uch as Owari-cho\,\nYamashiro-cho\, Kaga-cho and other streets.\n\nThe nam e Ginza dates to 1612 when Ginza\, or\nthe official silver mint\, was open ed there. Later\,\nin 1873\, the construction of two-story brick\nhouses a nd brick sidewalks gave birth to The\nGinza we know in Tokyo today.\n\nFor more information about Midwest Buddhist\nTemple's annual Ginza Holiday\, call the temple\,\n312-943-7801.\n\n\n\nhttp:/ / DTSTAMP:20240911T094901Z SUMMARY:Midwest Buddhist Temple Ginza Holiday URL:/en/events/2010/08/13/midwest-buddhist-temple-ginza-holiday/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR