BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100417T000000Z DTEND:20100509T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Beginning April 17: The Dolls of Japan: Shapes of Prayer\, Embo diments of Love at Lauritzen Gardens\, Omaha\n'The Dolls of Japan' is a Ja pan Foundation travelling exhibit\, and has been on show at the State Hist orical Museum in Des Moines this winter/spring. Now\, there is another cha nce to see the exquisite figures ranging from folk dolls\, dolls related t o performing arts\, and contemporary dolls from all over Japan in Omaha! E njoy viewing the dolls as well as the beautiful Lauritzen Garden itself\, and don't miss the Japanese garden underway.\n\nDate Friday\, April 17 thr ough Sunday\, May 9\n\nPlace \nLauritzen Gardens - Omaha's Botanical Cente r\n100 Bancroft Street\, Omaha\, NE 68108 \n(Map)\n\nInfo\nLauritzen Garde ns - Omaha's Botanical Center\n\nAn exquisite Japanese doll exhibit presen ted in cooperation with The Japan Foundation and the Consulate General of Japan at Chicago \n\nIn Japan\, dolls have been a part of everyday life si nce ancient times. Japanese dolls reflect the customs of Japan and the asp irations of its people\, possess distinctive regional attributes\, and ove r the centuries have developed in many diverse forms. Dolls also provide a showcase for traditional Japanese craft products\, such as textiles. \n\n Be among the first to see this exhibit at a special free opening event on Friday\, April 16 from 3 to 7 p.m. Light Japanese refreshments will be ser ved with sake tasting available from 5 to 7 p.m.\, while supplies last. Re servations are required. To register\, call (402) 346-4002 ext. 201 or e-m ail DTSTAMP:20241012T035425Z SUMMARY:The Dolls of Japan: Shapes of Prayer\, Embodiments of Love URL:/en/events/2010/04/17/the-dolls-of-japan-shapes-of-prayer-embodiments/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR