BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100129T000000Z DTEND:20100203T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Film Forum's retrospective on this legendary director.\n\nF riday\, Jan. 29 and Saturday\, Jan. 30: <strong>Seven Samurai </strong> (1 \, 4:40\, 8:20pm)\n\nSunday\, Jan. 31 and Monday\, Feb. 1: <strong>The Low er Depths </strong> (2\, 4:30\, 7\, 9:30pm)\n\nMonday\, Feb. 1: <strong>Rh apsody in August </strong> (6:30pm)\n\nMonday\, Feb. 1: <strong>Dodes'ka-d en</strong> (8:30pm)\n\nTuesday\, Feb. 2: <strong>Red Beard</strong> (1\, 4:25\, 7:50pm)\n\nWednesday\, Feb. 3: <strong>Yojimbo </strong> (1:30\, 5: 25\, 9:20pm)\n\nWednesday\, Feb. 3: <strong>Sanjuro </strong> (3:35\, 7:30 pm) DTSTAMP:20241010T200200Z SUMMARY:Akira Kurosawa Series URL:/en/events/2010/01/29/akira-kurosawa-series/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR