BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100103T000000Z DTEND:20100228T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Welcome in the Year of the Tiger with JACCC's 12th Annual Shiki shi Exhibition featuring over a hunderd original <em>shikshi</em> designed and transformed by local and international artists\, dignitaries and comm unity members. \n \n The exhibition\, which is open to anyone with a creat ive spark and wants to express their hopes and aspirations for the New Yea r\, features <em>shikishi </em> artwork that is inspired by this year's <e m>Kotohajime</em> theme <em>Hatsu-Egao</em> (first Smile) and the Tiger\, the animal sign for 2010\n\n<strong>January 3 - February 28\, 2010</strong >\n<strong>George J. Doizaki Gallery</strong> \n Tuesday - Friday 12 noon - 5 pm\n Saturday-Sunda\, 11 am - 4 pm\n Closed Monday and Holidays\n <str ong>Admission Free</strong>\n\nURL: <a href=" tm" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240909T024924Z SUMMARY:12th Annual Shikishi Exhibition URL:/en/events/2010/01/03/12th-annual-shikishi-exhibition/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR