Celebrate Seattle JACL 100th Anniversary! | Speaker Series

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Community Event

Out 202115
7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Japanese Cultural & Community Center of Washington
1414 S Weller Street
Seattle, Washington, 98144
United States

Come join us for a night to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Seattle Chapter of the Japanese American Citizens League (@SeattleJACL) with current President Stan Shikuma, historian Bill Tashima, and resident expert on redress, Kyle Kinoshita. Through the night, attendees will go through the history of Seattle JACL and how the process of redress for Japanese Americans began. Expect to learn about how Seattle JACL made impactful changes on the Japanese American community here in Seattle and beyond.

 Register today!
(Registration will close at 5 pm on October 14, 2021)

 Read "Seattle JACL 100th Anniversary" by North American Post

About the Northwest Nikkei Museum Speaker Series
Learn about Japanese American history and community development through a new, monthly program with the Northwest Nikkei Museum(NNM)! We’ll cover a variety of topics and perspectives related to Japanese Americans in the Northwest and beyond, with a new speaker every third Friday of the month!


jcccwa . Atualizado em Set 24, 2021 12:30 p.m.


Outubro 2021


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