"The World of Noh(能) Drama" with Takeda Munenori

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Out 202113
7:00p.m. - 8:30p.m.


United States

UW Washin Kai Presents:

”The World of Noh Drama" with Takeda Munenori

Please join us for "The World of Noh Drama" with Takeda Munenori as he presents excerpts from two Noh performances form Tokyo, Japan.

Date: Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Time: 7:00 pm PDT

This event is free and open to the public, all are welcome to attend.

Register here: https://events.uw.edu/TheWorldOfNohDrama

-------[Event Overview] -------

Takeda Munenori, the world-renowned Noh performer and his ensenble of actors and musicians will present a number of Noh performances from Tokyo, Japan, with commentary from Professor Paul Atkins. This event will also feature a demonstration of tools and materials used in Noh drama and will be followed by a live Q&A with Master Takeda Munenori from Tokyo and Professor Paul Atkins, moderated by Professor Stephen Sumida.

Takeda Munenori was born in 1978 into the Takeda family that has been in the Nohgaku(能楽) profession since the Edo period. He is widely regarded as one of the most engaging and charismatic performers of his generation. Takeda has recently conducted series of workshops on Noh at the University of Edinburgh in Scottland and has travelled extensively to promote Noh to an international audience.

Sponsered by Washin Kai - Friends of Classical Japanese at UW and Asian languages and Literature at University of Washington


niki1018 . Atualizado em Out 03, 2021 7:19 p.m.


Outubro 2021


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