74th Annual Fresno Obon Festival

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Community Event

Jul 201913
2:00p.m. - 10:00p.m.

Fresno Dharma Center
2690 E. Alluvial Ave.
Fresno, California, 93720
United States

Annual Fresno Obon Festival is Saturday.  "Festival of Lanterns" Lanterns are hung in memory of passed loved ones. Hatsubon Families walk in to lead the Obon Dancers. Bon dancing, Taiko Drumming starts at 7:30 pm. There will also be game booths, Japanese food, desert booths, beer, bonsai and Ikebana displays, and live entertainment.

The true significance of the Obon Festival is to honor our ancestors and those who passed on before us. It is a time to pause and reflect on the hardships and sacrifices that they made for our sake so that we can clearly appreciate the interdependency of all living things. Through this realization, we can come to lead a life of gratitude. Memorial lanterns honoring our loved ones will be hung throughout the festival. These are for sale and families can purchase a lantern, have their family name written in kanji, and hung at the festival to honor your ancestors.

Obon Festival Schedule
2:00 pm - Food booths open
4:00 pm - Carnival games open 
5:00 pm - Taiko performance (calling of the people) outside.
7:30 pm - Bon Dance

We pre-sell personalized memorial lanterns that will be hung above the dancers. If interested, contact info@fresnobuddhisttemple.org or call (559) 442-4054. 

Bon Odori Dancing
7:30 pm


kaylatanaka . Atualizado em Jun 24, 2019 3:46 p.m.


Julho 2019


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