Sharing Stories, Anne Shimojima

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Community Event

Out 201714
3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Alphawood Gallery
2401 N. Halsted Ave.
Chicago, IL
Chicago, Illinois, 60614
United States

For more than thirty years, Anne Shimojima  has been telling stories, performing folk tales and literary works and sharing her family’s World War II incarceration camp experience. In 2005, Anne interviewed her 91-year old aunt, Mary Nakagawa, about her experience in the Tule Lake incarceration camp. From this, she wrote her family’s World War II story. During this week’s Sharing Stories,  Anne will discuss how she went about investigating her family’s history and share anecdotes she learned through her research.

As an ongoing program, Sharing Stories  creates a space within the exhibition for dialogue and community. Visitors are invited to come to the 2nd floor lounge area to listen to personal stories and to ask questions, share their own experiences or just join the group to learn more about the Japanese American incarceration camps.



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AlphawoodGallery . Atualizado em Jul 27, 2017 12:17 p.m.

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