Moving Day

  • en

Mar 201723 Ago 201711

Japanese American National Museum
100 No. Central Ave.
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

March 23 – August 11, 2017
Daily from sunset to midnight

In conjunction with the exhibition Instructions to All Persons: Reflections on Executive Order 9066, JANM presents Moving Day , an outdoor public art installation. The work consists of a series of projections of the Civilian Exclusion Orders that were publicly posted during World War II to inform persons of Japanese ancestry of their impending forced removal and incarceration. Each projection will coincide with the 75th anniversary date of the specific exclusion order. Projections will take place on the facade of the museum’s Historic Building, the site of Los Angeles’s first Buddhist temple and a pickup point for Japanese Americans bound for concentration camps during World War II.

For a schedule of related programs, visit



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JANM . Atualizado em Jun 15, 2017 2:30 p.m.

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