Kimono on the Runway: Traditional Elegance in High Fashion

  • en

Fev 201619
6:30p.m. - 8:30p.m.

Japan Society
333 East 47th Street
NY, New York, 10017
United States

Japanese kimono, long admired for their beauty and rich history, are taking on a new life as a modern fashion statement. The simply constructed, elegant garment has tremendous power to become a universal formal wear that transcends cultural and ethnic boundaries. Kouichi Fujii, President of the hundred-year-old kimono textile company Fujii Shibori in Kyoto, will be here to discuss the history and delicate process of producing kimono by master craftsmen, as well as the obstacles and opportunities for global acceptance. There will also be a viewing of beautiful kimono at the event. If you have your own kimono, dress up for the occasion! Followed by a reception.


japansociety . Atualizado em Dez 16, 2015 8:55 a.m.


Fevereiro 2016


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