TAIKOPROJECT: Rhythmic Relations 2015

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Performing Arts

Jun 201527
3:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

UCLA Freud Playhouse
245 Charles E. Young Drive East
Los Angeles, California, 90095
United States

Featuring Bombu Taiko & Kitsune Taiko
Saturday, June 27, 3pm & 8pm
UCLA Freud Playhouse
Los Angeles, California

With over 50 taiko drummers pounding on the largest taiko drums in Southern California, TAIKOPROJECT quickens the pulse with heart-thumping rhythms and energetic choreography. Joining them are their sister groups Bombu Taiko and Kitsune Taiko, who will be presenting traditional works as well as new compositions. Throughout the concert, TAIKOPROJECT will be performing all of the songs featured on their latest Our Many Sides CD recording. Join us for a fantastic evening of community taiko and some of the most innovative and newest American taiko music!

Ticket Information
Preferred Seating $35, Regular Seating $25 For Preferred Seating tickets, please email us at taikoproject@gmail.com or call us at (213)268-4011 .  For Regular Seating tickets, please call UCLA Central Ticket Office at (310)825-2101 , Monday through Friday, 10 am - 4 pm, or order online at http://cto.ucla.edu



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TAIKOPROJECT . Atualizado em Jun 14, 2015 1:54 p.m.

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