Film: Under the Blood Red Sun

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Film & Other Media

Nov 20141

Wesley United Methodist Church
566 North Fifth Street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

JAMsj is pleased to present the first mainland U.S. screening of Under the Blood Red Sun, a new dramatic feature film based on the popular novel by Graham Salisbury, set on the island of Oahu in 1941, during the days following Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.

Under the Blood Red Sun is a story of courage, loyalty, and the enduring friendship betwee two teenage boys.

Directed by Tim Savage, the film is produced by Dana Salter Hankins and feaatures an award-winning cast, including Kyler Ki Sakamoto, Kalama Epstein, Dann Seki, Autumn Ogawa, Will Kahele, and Chris Tashima.

After the showing a Q & A (via Skype) with Chris Tashima - Actor (Papa) and Dana Salter Hankins, producer.

Admission: Free (donations appreciated)



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JAMsj . Atualizado em Out 22, 2014 1:47 p.m.

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