20th anniversary of Nikkei Internment Memorial Centre in New Denver, B.C.

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Community Event

Ago 20149
10:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.

New Denver, British Columbia

The Nikkei Internment Memorial Centre hosts a free community event that celebrates 20 years of educating Canadians and visitors from around the world about Japanese Canadian history, particularly as it relates to the WW2 internment experience.

Japanese Consul General, Seiji Okada, will be a special guest.

The NIMC is located on the site of the former internment camp and features original buildings and interpretive displays.

There will be a special buffet dinner, live entertainment and silent auction at the Bosun Hall starting at 7. Call (250) 358-7288 to purchase tickets.

For more information visit www.nikkeinewdenver.ca


Masaji . Atualizado em Jul 14, 2014 10:24 a.m.

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