[Reading about Japan at I-House Library] Gayle K. Sato reads Tropic of Orange by Karen Tei Yamashita

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Dez 20139

The Library, International House of Japan
5-11-16 Roppongi
Tōkyō, 106-0032

Reader: Gayle K. Sato (Professor, Meiji University)

Language: English (without Japanese interpretation)
Admission: IHJ Members & Library Members: Free, non-members: 500 yen

Karen Tei Yamashita, a third-generation Japanese American born and raised in California, studied at Waseda University as an exchange student in 1971. From 1975 to 1984, she lived in São Paulo to research the history of Japanese immigration to Brazil. Her works focus on the necessity of multicultural communities and the destabilizing of orthodox notions of national borders and ethnic identity. In this session, Gayle K. Sato, who specializes in Asian American literature, will read from Yamashita’s third novel, Tropic of Orange (1997), and talk about how a Japanese American point of view places Japan in relationship with the United States.
Karen Tei Yamashita will be present.

Gayle K. Sato, Ph.D., is Professor of English at Meiji University, Tokyo. She is a co-author of America Viewed from the Asian Periphery : 1850-1950 (Sairyusha, 2010) and co-editor of Reading Japanese American Literature: Legacy of Three Generations (Sogensha, 1997). Her articles and essays have appeared in Amerasia Journal, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, The Japanese Journal of American Studies, MELUS, and Paradoxa.

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infolib . Atualizado em Nov 18, 2013 11:04 p.m.

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