POST-REDRESS Research on Japanese Canadians: What are the Challenges? What are the Possibilities?

  • en

Nov 20132
3:00p.m. - 5:00p.m.

Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5E 4M7

Panel Discussion
Free admission

This is a free event but please RSVP to so we can prepare enough chairs.

As part of the 25th anniversary celebration of the redress settlement of September 22, 1988, the Nikkei National Museum with Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Policy Studies on Culture and Communities and the Asian Canadian Studies Society is pleased to sponsor a panel discussion of eminent scholars who have made significant contributions to the growing body of research on Japanese Canadians.

What research is currently being done on or with Japanese Canadians? How has the politics of representation changed since the redress settlement? What kinds of theoretical frameworks and critical approaches are relevant for the study of Japanese Canadians? What directions can research take in the future?

Moderator: Roy Miki,  Professor Emeritus, English, Simon Fraser University

Audrey Kobayashi,  Professor, Geography, Queen’s University
Jeff Masuda,  Associate Professor, Geography, University of Manitoba
Kirsten Emiko McAllister,  Associate Professor, Communication, Simon Fraser University
Mona Oikawa,  Associate Professor, Equity Studies, York University
John Price,  Professor, History, University of Victoria



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NNMCC . Atualizado em Out 29, 2013 12:45 p.m.


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