NAJC 25th Redress Anniversary Banquet in Toronto

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Community Event

Set 201321

JCCC Toronto
6 Garamond Court
Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z5

The National Association of Japanese Canadians celebrate the 25th anniversary of the historic Redress Agreement on Saturday, September 21, 2013 at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre in Toronto, Ontario. The event is hosted by the Greater Toronto Chapter of the NAJC.

Keynote Speaker: Art Miki

Special Guests: Joy Kogawa, Judge Maryka Omatsu

Tickets: $60/person (includes dinner and entertainment)

To reserve your tickets, call: 416-516-1375

or email:

Sponsored by the Greater Toronto Chapter NAJC


Masaji . Atualizado em Ago 23, 2013 10:05 a.m.

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