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Jul 201315 Jul 201319
9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.

Gardena Valley JCI
1964 W 162nd St
Gardena, California, 90247
United States

2013 marks the sixth year for the TANOSHII Fun Camp. The mission of the camp is to promote the legacy of Japanese American culture and heritage to our youth. This done by:

  • Enhancing the legacy of the Japanese American values introduced by the Issei
  • Exploring the Japanese American culture, traditions and their adaptations
  • Sharing the Japanese American experience and history

TANOSHII Fun Camp teaches students 7 to 10 years old about the Japanese American culture and heritage through fun activities, community speaker presentations and demonstrations and games.

For more information, see the TANOSHII Fun Camp website.

Registration will be held on Saturday, May 11th at 1:30PM until the 50 camper enrollment is met.

TANOSHII Fun Camp is sponsored by the South Bay JACL and the Gardena Valley JCI.


GVJCI . Atualizado em Fev 01, 2013 9:49 a.m.

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