Target FREE Family Saturday: Art from the Heart

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Community Event

Fev 20139
11:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Japanese American National Museum
100 N Central Ave
Los Angeles, California, 90012
United States

Celebrate Valentine's Day & the opening of Supernaturalour new Salon Pop exhibition! Show your love by making art for yourself and others!


11AM - 2PM: Join Kidding Around the Kitchen and make heart friendly fruit kebabs with a chocolate yogurt dipping sauce

12 - 2PM: Timothy Teruo Watters of Supernatural will show you how to duplicate and remix art in this fun design workshop!

2PM - 4PM: Have a custom chocolate heart portrait lollipop made just for you by the Entertainment Contractors!

2PM - 4PM: Artist Edwin Ushiro will lead a fun drawing workshop! Edwin’s art can be found in our new exhibition Supernatural

• Draw a silly or spooky creature inspired by our new exhibition Supernatural with a variety of cool art materials!
• Construct a handmade Valentine for someone special
• Ruthie’s Origami Corner: Learn how to fold an origami heart

For more information, visit

Generously sponsored by Target, these special Saturdays are filled with fun activities giving families unique ways to learn, play, and grow together.


JANM . Atualizado em Jan 28, 2013 11:38 p.m.


Fevereiro 2013


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