The Living Art of Shuri-Style Kumiwudui

  • en

Jul 201229

Maui Okinawa Cultural Center
688 Nukuwai Pl.
Wailuku, Hawaii, 96793
United States

Please join us for a rare opportunity to experience Shuri-style kumiwudui (Okinawan dance-drama).  This lecture/demonstration, “The Living Art of Shuri-Style Kumiwudui”, features Okinawan guest artist Sekiyu Chinen, and will focus on the story of The Flower Seller (Hanaui nu En) . This event is sponsored by Jimpu Kai USA Kin Ryosho Ryukyu Geino Kenkyusho, Hawaii Shibu and hosted by Maui Okinawa Kenjin Kai.  It is free and open to the public; donations are welcome.  For more information, call the Maui Okinawa Cultural Center at 242-1560.


nikkeisansei . Atualizado em Jul 20, 2012 11:18 a.m.

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