Movie: Legend of the Millennium Dragon (free)

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Film & Other Media

Mai 201222
5:00p.m. - 6:40p.m.

San Mateo Main Library
55 W. 3rd Ave
San Mateo, California, 94402
United States

Special Asian Pacific Heritage Events at San Mateo Main Library during the month of May.

Movie: Legend of the Millennium Dragon (Anime)

A spectacular journey of an unwilling young hero into a mysterious past full of monsters, dragons, and strange hidden powers.

Directed by Hirotsugu Kawasaki

Language: Japanese with English subtitles

Rater PG 13; 100 minutes; 2011

[Asian American Curriculum Project]



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Komo . Atualizado em Mai 04, 2012 1:03 a.m.

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