Three Short Films on the Japanese American Internment During WWII

  • en
Film & Other Media

Out 201129
2:00p.m. - 5:30p.m.

Beyond Baroque
681 Venice Blvd.
Culver City, California, 90291
United States

The Japanese American Memorial Marker Committee and Beyond Baroque are holding a benefit for a monument on the northwest corner of Venice & Lincoln Blvds. in Venice CA, which as a "control site" where Japanese Americans reported and boarded buses that took them to Manzanar.

"Music Man of Manzanar"

"Stand Up for Justice"

"Days of Waiting"

Followed by VIP Sushi & Sake Reception ($100)


julia_murakami . Atualizado em Out 10, 2011 2:11 a.m.


Outubro 2011


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