Ayako Kato Dances in The Other Dance Festival With Jason Roebke on Bass

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Performing Arts

Set 201130

Hamlin Park Theater
3035 W Hoyne
Chicago, Illinois
United States

Fri, 9/30, 7:30 pm, The Other Dance Festival (4th week) @ Hamlin Park Fieldhouse Theater 3035 N. Hoyne map

Titled it, Art Union Humanscape presents the company's original and developed duo by Jason Roebke, double bass, and Ayako Kato, dance.

The evening will feature: Cindy Brandle Dance Company, The Dance COLEctive, Jonathan Meyer, Mordine & Company Dance Theater, Shu Shubat, Ayako Kato/Art Union Humanscape

*Highly recommended to reserve your tickets in advance: Single Ticket $12-15, Festival Passes with more access to whole festival activities (performances, classes/workshops and special events)

*Ayako will be teaching Movement Workshop on Sat, 9/10: 1-2:30 pm as a part of the festival. Details: See the right hand column.


intrepidmouse . Atualizado em Set 30, 2011 10:55 a.m.


Setembro 2011


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