Kyodo Taiko Performs at 2nd Annual M1 Grand Prix

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Community Event

Set 201110
9:30a.m. - 2:30p.m.

Willow Springs Kart Track
Rosamond, California
United States

M1GP will be raising funds for Riders for Health and Tsunami Relief for Japan. You could give to the individual charities directly, or though the fund raising links we've created to get recognition for our team's efforts.  M1GP keeps none of the donations.  All donations go to the charities and a small  administrative fee to Crowdrise (who we've used to help our social media efforts for raising funds for Riders for Health).  

Relief for Japan gets 100% of all donations. 

Kyodo will be performing throughout the first half of the day.  We hope you will come to support this great cause! donation counts.

Thank you for your generosity.


UCLAkyodotaiko . Atualizado em Set 08, 2011 7:25 a.m.

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