Manzanar & Death Valley Bus Tour

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Community Event

Dez 20104 Dez 20105

Manzanar & Death Valley
Torrance & Pasadena (Bus Loading and Drop off locations)
Torrance & Pasadena, California
United States

Event: Manzanar & Death Valley Bus Tour

Date: (Saturday & Sunday) December 4 - 5, 2010

Meeting Area: Torrance (8AM) and Pasadena (9AM)

Cost: $295 per person (Includes hotel and travel. Costs assumes hotel room is shared between 2 persons; discounts available with more than 2 guests per room. Extra for single use.)

Bus tour includes visiting the museum in Manzanar, the land of the former Japanese-American internment camp during World War II. The bountiful itinerary includes sightseeing of Death Valley after staying  overnight at a nearby city.

For reservations and questions, please contact:
Reiyukai America > Mr. Obara at (626) 356-8055;
JTB USA Inc > (310) 406-3200;
Seating is limited, so sign up today!

Day 1

  1. LA to Manzanar (Meeting at Torrance and Pasadena)
  2. Visit the Museum
  3. Flower Wreath Presentation
  4. Dinner and Gathering
  5. Lodging at Furnace Creek Ranch

Day 2

  1. Dante's View
  2. Badwater
  3. Zabriskie Point
  4. Return to LA by Evening

***The Poster for this event is attached.  Feel free to print and post this event!  Thank you!!!


ReiyukaiAmerica . Atualizado em Nov 11, 2010 4:54 p.m.


Dezembro 2010


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