Day of Remembrance 2010: The Words and Images of Mine Okubo & Michi Weglyn

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Community Event

Fev 201020

Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Building E25, Room 117
Cambridge, Massachusetts
United States


Featured speaker: Elena Tajima Creef, Associate Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Wellesley College

Professor Creef is the author of Imagining Japanese America: The Visual Construction of Citizenship, Nation, and the Body, and coeditor of Following Her Own Road: The Life and Art of Mine Okubo and Kathleen Tamagawa's memoir, Holy Prayers in a Horse's Ear.

She is currently at work on a visual history of Japanese Women in America and a creative nonfiction memoir about growing up with an American GI father and a Japanese War Bride mother, Notes of a Fragmented Daughter.

The program includes a short documentary film on Michi Weglyn and will be followed by discussion and light refreshments.

Sponsored by the New England Japanese American Citizens League, the Asian American Resource Workshop, MIT Center for International Studies, MIT Office of the Arts, MIT Foreign Languages and Literature, and MIT Center for Bilingual/Bicultural Studies.


vkm . Atualizado em Jul 09, 2010 12:14 p.m.


Fevereiro 2010


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