12th Annual UCLA Graduate Student Symposium in Japanese Studies -- April 22, 2006

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Abr 200622
9:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.

University of California, Los Angeles
Covel Commons, West Coast Room
Los Angeles, California
United States

The UCLA Paul I. and Hisako Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies presents:

Transculturation and National Signifiers: "Japan" In, After, and Via Diaspora and Return
12th Annual UCLA Graduate Student Symposium in Japanese Studies

Saturday, April 22, 2006
9:00AM - 5:00PM
University of California, Los Angeles
Covel Commons, West Coast Room
Los Angeles, CA

For further information contact:
Jordan Smith
(310) 980-6620

9:00-10:30 Panel: Narrative Triangulations: Japan/Japanese America/America
Discussant: Anne Sokolsky (University of Southern California)
Andrew Leong (UC Berkeley) - "The City of Circular Failures: Yoru ni nageku and Taisho Los Angeles"
Kristina Vassil (University of Michigan) - "Putting Down Roots: Okina Kyuin's Declaration of an Immigrant Literature in the 1920's"
Emily Anderson (UCLA) - "Becoming a City on a Hill: Japanese American Christian Narratives in Pre-World War II Los Angeles"

10:45-12:45 Panel: (Re)presenting Japanese Arts Abroad
Discussant: Morgan Pitelka (Occidental College)
Michelle Kuhn (UCLA) - "On Fine Versus Applied Arts at The World Exposition"
Loren Kajikawa (UCLA) - "Issei Spirit: The Shamisen and Japanese American Identity in the Music of Glenn Horiuchi"
Kristin Surak (UCLA) - "Culture in the Flesh"
Denis Gainty (University of Pennsylvania) - "Fighting the Margin: The Greater Japan Martial Virtue Association and Center-Periphery Models in Modern Japanese History"

12:45-1:45 Break for lunch

2:00-3:30 Panel: Transpacific Histories and Imaginations
Discussant: Kristine Dennehy (California State University, Fullerton)
Zelideth Maria Rivas (UC Berkeley) - "Songs from the Land of Eternal Summer: Nostalgia in Okamatsu Kazuo's Ikyou no uta"
Ryan Yokota (University of Chicago) - "Gambateando: A History of Okinawan Peruvians in Los Angeles"
Chika Shinohara (University of Minnesota) - "Subverting Japanese Tradition? Transculturally Produced New Images of 'Japanese Women' 1985-2005"

3:45-4:45 Plenary Session: "Blood Types"
Special Guest Speaker: Karen Tei Yamashita (UC Santa Cruz)



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