BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091009T000000Z DTEND:20091011T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<!-- The blog page template is currently set to show 5 posts . Change showposts=5 to whatever number of posts you want to display.-->\ n<a href=""> Official Lineup for the Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival Presente d by HBO</a>\n\nFeaturing Chicago Filmmaker Masahiro Sugano's Film &quot\; Second Moon&quot\;\n\n<strong><a href="" ta rget="_blank">Second Moon</a> </strong> Masahiro Sugano &amp\; Sanghoon Le e\n\nMasahiro will be present for a discussion after the screening.\n\nScr eening details:\n Saturday October 10\, 2009 \n 4pm\n Ibrahim Theater of T he International House\n 3701 Chestnut Street\n Philadelphia\, PA 19104-31 95\n (215) 387-5125\n <strong>Philadelphia Asian American Film &amp\; Film makers</strong> is very pleased to announce that <strong><a href="http://w" target="_blank">HBO</a> </strong> is returning as the <strong >Presenting Sponsor</strong> for the 2009 <strong>Philadelphia Asian Ameri can Film Festival</strong> \, which runs <strong>October 9-11\, 2009</stro ng> at the <a href=" htm" target="_blank"><strong>Ibrahim Theater at the International House</s trong> </a> and the <a href="" target=" _blank"><strong>Asian Arts Initiative</strong> </a> .\n\nCongratulations t o all of our filmmakers!\n (Schedule\, ticketing and full listings of fil ms will be available soon. Films are listed by Director and Producer)\n\n <strong>NARRATIVE FEATURES </strong>\n<strong>Opening Night Film</strong> &ndash\; <a href="" target="_blank"><st rong>Children of Invention</strong> </a> Tze Chun &amp\; Mynette Louie\n < strong>Centerpiece Presentation</strong> &ndash\; <a href="http://www.form" target="_blank"><strong>Formosa Betrayed</strong> </a> A dam Kane &amp\; Will Tiao\n <strong>Closing Night Film</strong> &ndash\; < a href="" target="_blank"><stron g>Story of Wine</strong> </a> Cheol-ha Lee &amp\; Cha Seung-jae\n <strong> <a href="" target="_blank">Karma Calling</a> < /strong> Sarba Das &amp\; Sarthak Das\n <strong><a href="http://www.second" target="_blank">Second Moon</a> </strong> Masahiro Sugano &amp\; Sanghoon Lee\n <strong><a href="" ta rget="_blank">Why Am I Doing This?</a> </strong> Tom Huang &amp\; N.D. Bro wn\n\n<strong>DOCUMENTARIES </strong>\n<strong><a href="http://www.thebaby" target="_blank">Operation Babylift</a> </strong> Tammy Nguyen L ee\n <strong><a href="" target="_bla nk">A Song For Ourselves</a> </strong> Tadashi Nakamura\n <strong><a href= "" target="_blank">Sounds of New Hope </a> </strong> Eric Tandoc\n <strong><a href=" versailles/" target="_blank">A Village Called Versailles</a> </strong> S. Leo Chiang\n <strong><a href="" target=" _blank">Whatever It Takes</a> </strong> Christopher Wong DTSTAMP:20240917T081651Z SUMMARY:Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival URL:/en/events/2009/10/09/philadelphia-asian-american-film-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR