BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090615T000000Z DTEND:20090901T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>About this Art Contest</strong>\n<a href=""></a>\n<a href=" so">\n</a>\n<strong><a href="" target= "_blank"></a>\n</strong>\n\nThis project aims to show\, through drawings\, the reality of the world through the eyes of children and young foreigners living in Japan\, and to encourage greater cultural exchange between foreigners and Japanese who live together  in t his country.\n\n<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt\;">\n<p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 10pt\;">At these moments of crisis and school desertion in Japan\, we\ , the members of the NFSA – Nippon Foundation Scholar Association – un derstood that we could collaborate giving an incentive to the students of the schools ofthe foreigners communities in Japan\, to continue their stud ies through the “First Drawing Contest: My World –What makes me Merry (happy)”.\n<strong>Prizes:</strong>\n<strong>Kid’s Category: Forei gn residents in Japan\, ages between 6 to 11 years old.\n </strong>\nGrand Prize:\n\nBook Ticket (Toshoken) worth 30\,000yen\n Contest Diploma\n A printed poster of the participant’s drawing\n\n2nd to 4th Prize:\n\nH onorary mention of the participant in the awarding ceremony\n\n<strong>You th’s Category:Foreign residents living in Japan\, ages between 12 to 1 8 years old\n </strong>\nGrand Prize:\n\nBook Ticket (Toshoken) worth 30 \,000yen\n Contest Diploma\n A printed poster of the participant’s drawi ng\n Invitation to the Awarding Ceremony in the <a href="http://www.jadesa" target="_blank">Convention of Nikkei and Jap anese Abroad</a>\, held in agugust 2009.\n\n2nd to 4th Prize:\n\nHonorar y mention of the participant in the awarding ceremony\n Contest Diploma\n A printed poster of the participant’s drawing\n\nSchool Prize:\n\nThe sc hool with most participants will be awarded with special gifts from the or ganizing committee. \n\n<strong>How to Participate\n </strong>\nThe drawin g cannot be digitally made and has to be drawn in a A4 size paper (29.7cm x 21cm)\n<ul><strong>Please include this information on the back of your d rawing\n </strong>\n</ul>\n\n<strong>Name:</strong>\n<strong> Nationalit y:\n Date of Birth:\n Phone Number:\n School Name:</strong><strong >\n 200 word paragraph about what is “merry for you:</strong><strong>\ n Name of your parents:</strong>\n<strong>Please send your drawing to th e address below:</strong><strong>\n 〒231-0001</strong> <strong>\n JICA Yokohama\, 2F\, 2-3-1\, Shinko\, Naka-ku\,\n Yokohama-shi\ , Kanagawa-ken </strong><strong>〒231-0001</strong>\n<strong>Notes:</stro ng>\n<ul><li>The drawing cannot be neither digital nor a made as a collage .</li><li>The drawings will not be returned and the rights for publication and neighboring rights will be transfered to the <a href="http://www.nikk" target="_blank">Nippon Foundation Nikkei Scholars Ass ociation.</a></li><li>One participant can only send one single drawing.</l i><li>The awarding ceremony will be held in October 2009\, in the <a href= "" target="_blank">Conv ention of the Nikkei and Japanese Abroad</a></li></ul>\n\n<strong>Contact :</strong>\nAkira Uchimura\n Project Coordinator\n The Association of Ni kkei and Japanese Abroad\n Phone: (+81) 045-211-17 84\n\n DTSTAMP:20241208T120738Z SUMMARY:Drawing Contest “My World: What makes me Merry” URL:/en/events/2009/06/15/drawing-contest-my-world-what-makes-me-merry/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR