BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090610T000000Z DTEND:20090610T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Hana yori mo naho\n\nKore-eda Hirokazu\, Japan\, 2006\nDirector \, Maborosi (Gold Hugo Winner\, 31st Chicago International Film Festival)\ , After Life\, Nobody Knows\nJapanese with English subtitles\,127 minutes\ n\nWednesday\, June 10\, 6:30PM\nClaudia Cassidy Theatre\, Chicago Cultura l Center\n77 E. Randolph Street\, 2nd floor\, Chicago\nADMISSION IS ***FRE E*** \n\nFor additional information\, please visit: www.chicagofilmfestiva or call 312-332-FILM (3456)\n\nWhen young\, revenge-driven Soza (Jun ichi Okada) has trouble finding his father's murderer in the big city\, he discovers a hidden aptitude for the peaceful art of teaching. So when he finally stumbles on the killer\, will he choose the sword over the pen? Or can he find a path to forgiveness instead? Directed by Hirokazu Koreeda\, this entertaining twist on the samurai. DTSTAMP:20240919T205158Z SUMMARY:HANA Free Film Showing URL:/en/events/2009/06/10/hana-free-film-showing/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR