BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090406T000000Z DTEND:20090412T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Press and Diffusion Secretary of the Argentine Nikkei Cente r informs: WEEKLY AGENDA OF ACTIVITIES RELATED TO JAPAN __________________ ______________________________ Monday\, April 6 to Sunday\, April 12\, 200 9 MONDAY 6 . Shodo Exhibition (Japanese embroidery) At the Japanese Garden (Casares y Berro avenue\, Buenos Aires City)\, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Adm ission: $ 5.- WEDNESDAY 8 . Radio program "JAPAN TODAY". Among other topic s: "Japan Music Today"\, "Japanese Architecture" and the visit of the youn g actress Masako Itoh\, from 5 to 6 pm. On Radio Palermo FM 93.9 and on th e web: or FRIDAY 10 . Demonst ration of the Tea Ceremony by Prof. Emiko Arimidzu\, at 3 pm. At the Cultu ral Information Center Japanese Embassy (Paraguay 1126\, Buenos Aires City ). Practice of the Japanese language "Ochaberi" with native Japanese\, at 7 pm. At the CNA (Bulnes 841\, Buenos Aires City). Contribution: $ 5.- . J apanese recreational gymnastics\, 4 pm. At the Japanese Garden (Casares an d Berro Avenue\, Buenos Aires City). Bs. As.) Entrance: $ 5.- SATURDAY 11 . Talk: "Japanese Landscaping" by Lic. Fernando Matsui\, at 16 hrs. in the Japanese Garden (av. Casares y Berro\, Cdad. de Bs. As.) Entrance: $ 5.- SUNDAY 12 . Bonsai Demonstration\, 16.30 hrs. in the Japanese Garden (av. Casares y Berro\, Cdad. de Bs. As.) Entrance: $ 5.- Activities related to Japan (for all audiences)\, that you wish to disseminate / or promote\, se nd them to the email: (ref.: CNANEWS - Weekly Agenda )\, thank you very much. We appreciate your attention. Best regards. ARGEN TINE NIKKEI CENTER Press and Diffusion Secretariat. ______________________ _______________ CNA NEWS is a free news and information service of the Pre ss and Diffusion Secretariat of the Argentine Nikkei Center. Subscribers r eceive free of charge via email: agenda of activities related to Japan\, j ob searches and job offers\, notes and information related to Japan. Those who wish to join this medium should contact: (CNANE WS). Director: Ricardo G. Hokama _____________________________________ Vis it the websites: (Argentine Nikkei Center) www.cen (Argentine Nikkei Publication) \n DTSTAMP:20250118T134325Z SUMMARY:WEEKLY AGENDA OF JAPAN-RELATED ACTIVITIES IN ARGENTINA (Monday\, Ap ril 6 to Sunday\, April 12\, 2009) URL:/en/events/2009/04/06/agenda-semanal-de-actividades-relacionadas-al-jap o/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR