BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090402T000000Z DTEND:20090524T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Katazome: Textiles by Karen Illman Miller</strong>\nApr il 2 - May 24\, 2009\nat the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n\nKaren Miller i s an artist and a naturalist. She creates painstakingly crafted handmade m ulberry paper stencils\, used to transfer detailed designs onto fabric. Th e cut stencils are placed on the fabric and a paste is applied to cover th e design\, protecting it from the next round of hand dyeing vibrant colors onto the cloth. This is the art of katazome – traditional stencil and p aste-resistant dyeing of cloth that can then be sewn into beautiful textil es.\n\nEach fiber is cared for in the artist’s hands\, as rounds of dye are applied and details in the stencil designs emerge. Karen brings to lif e the cycles of the seasons\, the day into night\, the flowers\, fish\, tr ees\, and creatures from her beloved seas and her home in Oregon. Whether sewing quilts or making noren (silk room dividers)\, Karen’s designs are modern and unique while her craft is ancient and steeped in the loving\, attentive aesthetic of Japan.\n\nPlease join us for an exhibit of her work that runs through May 24. <strong>A special trunk show will offer additio nal textiles for sale the weekend of May 23-24</strong>.\n\nKaren’s work has been exhibited in Japan as well as the United States\, and she teache s workshops on the art of katazome. An exhibit at the Benton County Histor ical Society Museum in Philomath May 1 – June 13 will feature many more pieces. Check out her website for more details <a href="http://www.nautilu"></a>.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy C enter\n121 NW 2nd Avenue\nPortland\, OR 97209\n503-224-1459\n<a href="htt p://"></a> DTSTAMP:20250124T132006Z SUMMARY:Katazome Exhibit\, April 2-May 24\, 2009 -- Portland\, Oregon URL:/en/events/2009/04/02/katazome-exhibit-april-2-may-24-2009----portland- o/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR