BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070311T000000Z DTEND:20070325T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Kamishibai (Paper Theatre) at ESPANCIO ECLECTICO (San Telmo) co ordinated by Amalia Sato <a href="">www.</a> Sundays March 11\, 18 and 25 Two performances each day: at 6:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. Limited capacity: 30 people. English: Contribution voucher $ 12 with drink Reservations at 4307 1966 <a href="h ttp:// -12.html">Article published in the newspaper PAGE 12</a> SCHEDULE OF FUNCT IONS Sunday 11th: Atsuko Ku\, the princess of Saturn Illustrations: Ma Del ia Lozupone Text: Rafael Cippolini Floral Illustrations and Text: Cecilia Afonso Esteves The red hat of the monkeys Illustrations: Shigeru Kosaka (1 954) Text and reading: Susana Szwarc Flute accompaniment: Valentina San Mi guel K- peruza Illustrations: Flavia da Rin Text: Inés Acevedo ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun day 18th: The Pillow Book Illustrations: Gustavo Schwartz Text and reading : Liliana Lukin Love trap Illustrations: Pablo Fusco Text: Sergio Pángaro The Little Mermaid Illustrations: Hanji Koyano (1954) Text and reading: A driana Vázquez The Princess of the Moon Illustrations: Shokichiro Yamaguc hi (1959) Text: Amalia Sato ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Sunday 25th presentation: In the garden Illustrations: Teizo Kato (1952) Text: Diego Posadas. Reading: Ma Eva Blo tta and Juan José Santillán Origami Mashin Illustrations and text: Masao Susanoh and The Eight-Headed Serpent Illustrations: Nicolás Prior Text: Damián Blas Vives Reading: Damián Blas Vives and Osvaldo Aldama Nieve Il lustrations: Diego Posadas Text: Diego Posadas This show was made possible thanks to the support of Ceeba. ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- Espacio Ecléctico has the support of the National Theater Institute\, Proteatro and the National Arts Fund. \n\n DTSTAMP:20250123T034719Z SUMMARY:Kamishibai in Buenos Aires URL:/en/events/2007/03/11/kamishibai-en-buenos-aires/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR