BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20071013T000000Z DTEND:20071014T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Next weekend\, Japanese culture will once again be in the spotl ight on the cultural circuit of the city of São Paulo. <em>Experiencing t he elements of Japanese culture</em> is the motto of the event that was\, since its first edition\, conceived\, organized and executed by the youth wing of the Association for the Celebration of the Centennial of Japanese Immigration in Brazil\, together with young people from several other enti ties such as Abeuni\, the Bunkyo Youth Commission\, Asebex\, JCI and seine nkais from all over the state. The result is something brilliantly conduct ed by the teamwork that is characteristic of young people. This is an even t with a <em>youthful</em> feel where visitors can not only watch traditio nal dance performances\, such as Taiko\, Street Dance and Yo-yo\, but will also be invited to participate in workshops on anime (Japanese cartoons) and manga (Japanese comics)\, shodô (Japanese calligraphy) or ikebana (Ja panese flower arrangement)\, visit the manga library or even attend lectur es on some elements of Japanese culture. Mixing the spirit of the Nikkei c ommunity's own festivals with elements of contemporary youth\, Japan Exper ience is an interesting and important event\, and what's more\, it is anot her step towards the long-awaited celebrations of the Centennial of Japane se Immigration to Brazil next year. <strong>Japan Experience 2007</strong> <strong>Date: October 13th and 14th Time: Saturday: 10am - 7pm &amp\; Sun day: 11am - 7pm Location: Rua Vergueiro\, 235 - UNINOVE building\, near th e S. Joaquim subway station</strong> Check out more information and the sc hedule on the website <a href="">http://w</a>\n DTSTAMP:20241212T053317Z SUMMARY:Japan Experience - October 13th and 14th URL:/en/events/2007/10/13/japan-experience---13-e-14-de-outubro/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR