BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080113T000000Z DTEND:20080113T000000Z DESCRIPTION:What is the moral responsibility of scientists? \n\nThat is th e question at the heart of "Dr. Atomic\," an opera currently in production at the Lyric Opera of Chicago. It is also the theme of "Debating Dr. Ato mic\," a symposium that will be held on Sunday\, January 13\, 2008\, under the sponsorship of Loyola University Chicago.\n\n"Debating Dr. Atomic" wi ll feature a distinguished panel of speakers from the artistic\, scientifi c\, cultural\, political\, and religious communities\, including:\nDr. Leo n Lederman\, Nobel laureate and former director emeritus of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory\nHideko Tamura Snyder\, Hiroshima atomic bomb surv ivor\nPeter Sellars\, librettist and stage director of "Dr. Atomic"\nDr. M urray Peshkin\, Argonne National Laboratory and former student worker for the Manhattan Project\n\nFor further information\, contact Loyola Universi ty Chicago at\, or call 312/915-6501. DTSTAMP:20250125T213635Z SUMMARY:"Debating Dr. Atomic" Symposium URL:/en/events/2008/01/13/debating-dr-atomic-symposium/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR