BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070317T000000Z DTEND:20070317T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The <strong>Rising Stars Youth Leadership Program</strong> is p roud to present its <strong>Fourth Annual Miniature Golf Tournament & Raff le</strong>. It will be held on Saturday\, March 17\, 2007 at Camelot Golf land in Anaheim. The tournament will be hosted by the current participants of the Rising Stars Program under the supervision of the Nikkei Federatio n Rising Stars Planning Committee.\n\nThis event is open to people of all ages!\n\n<strong>When:</strong> Saturday\, March 17\, 2007 9am - 2pm\n<str ong>Where:</strong> Camelot Golfland\, 3200 Carpenter Ave\, Anaheim\n<stro ng>Cost:</strong> General Admission $15 / Children (12 and under) $10 (Inc ludes golf and lunch)\n<strong>Registration after March 3:</strong> Genera l Admission $17 / Children (12 and under) $12 (Includes golf and lunch)\n\ nAll proceeds will go to underwrite the Rising Stars Youth Leadership Prog ram\, a program of the Nikkei Federation that is designed to cultivate fut ure leaders in the Japanese American community.\n\nFor more information co ntact the <a href="">Nikkei Fe deration</a> at (626)755-7957\n DTSTAMP:20240909T214306Z SUMMARY:4th Annual Rising Stars Youth Leadership Program Miniature Golf Tou rnament and Raffle URL:/en/events/2007/03/17/4th-annual-rising-stars-youth-leadership-program- m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR