Nima-kai Search
ミゲル A. タニモト医学博士 経歴: 1980-1984 アナワク大学、メキシコシティ コンピューターサイエンスの学士号 1988-1994 メキシコ国立自治大学 (UNAM) 医学部 (優秀な成績で卒業) メキシコシティ 1995-1999 消化器病学および内視鏡検査 メキシコシティ サルバドール スビラン国立医学栄養研究所 (www.innsz.mx) 1999-2001 診断および治療内視鏡検査の大学院課程 (上部消化管、下部消化管、胆道、色素内視鏡検査および粘膜切除術、早期消化管がん検出) 昭和大学藤が丘病院 横浜市 1999-2005 消化器病学および内視鏡検査委員会の認定 「Consejo Mexicano de Gastroenterología」(メキシコ消化器病学委員会認定委員会) 2004年~現在 消化器科主治医、外来診療コーディネーター 国立医学栄養研究所 サルバドール・ズビラン (www.innsz.mx) 2004~2005年 メキシコ消化器内視鏡学会倫理委員会委員 2005年 国際消化器・肝臓学講座共同ディレクター兼共同編集者 「消化器・肝臓学の新概念」国立医学栄養研究所 サルバドール・ズビラン (www.innsz.mx) 2005~2008年 ラ・サール大学医学部消化器科講師 2005~2010年 消化器・内視鏡委員会「Consejo Mexicano de Gastroenterología」(メキシコ消化器委員会認定委員会) の再認定 2009年~現在 アメリカ消化器内視鏡学会フェロー消化器病学会 2009 年から現在まで メキシコ消化器病学会編集委員会メンバー 2009 年から現在まで INCMNSZ メキシコシティ消化器科の世界消化器病組織研修センター准教授 ミゲル A. タニモト医学博士 主な関心分野および研究分野: 臨床消化器病学 早期消化管癌、クロモ内視鏡検査、内視鏡的粘膜下層剥離術、粘膜切除術、新しい内視鏡技術 医療情報学 以下の医療協会の会員: 米国消化器病学会 (AGA) 米国消化器病学会 (ACG) 米国消化器内視鏡学会 (ASGE) メキシコ消化器病学会 (AMG) 国立医学栄養研究所医師会 サルバドール ズビラン
Hiro Ramos Nako is a Peruvian writer with a bachelor’s degree in Communication from the Universidad de Lima. Having attended two different Japanese school in Lima growing up, Hiro is very familiar with Lima’s Nikkei community. He hopes to continue working on his Japanese skills now that his Japanese has gotten a bit rusty.
Hiro began volunteering as a writer for Discover Nikkei in 2024, and has written several stories about the Nikkei community in Lima. Hiro enjoys covering Peru’s cultural landscape and sharing stories about the Peruvian Nikkei community. He strives to use his writing as a tool to promote diversity and fight against social injustice. Check out some of Hiro’s stories on Discover Nikkei to learn more about Nikkei in Peru.
What do you like most about Discover Nikkei?
What I like the most about Discover Nikkei is all the opportunities I am given to explore the diversity of the Nikkei community. From writing chronicles to interviewing fellow Peruvian Nikkei people, I believe all these different stories have taught me different things about myself and my community and have made me closer to it. Even though I feel like I haven’t been here for too long, I believe that Discover Nikkei has made me experience writing in a different way, which makes me feel more fulfilled. For a few articles I’ve written, I’ve reconnected with people I hadn’t reached out to in years, and I’ve also met new people whose life stories have made me see a wider scope of the history of both Japanese immigration and the Nikkei community worldwide.
How do you connect to your Nikkei identity?
Responding to this question used to be something that I struggled with. Despite being heavily connected to the community from having Nikkei friends, studying in Nikkei schools, and participating in events, I often didn’t feel as connected as others. This is something I’ve heard a few other people my age say they have experienced, since the further we get from the initial immigration generation, the more some traditions get lost. However, now I’ve realized that I connect to my identity in different ways. The shared experiences I have with others from my generation might not be similar to the ones our parents or grandparents had, but we still have a lot in common and that makes us feel connected. I also feel connected with my identity by learning more about other people’s life stories, because they often make me realize I’m not the only one with some experiences.