



私はカナダのマニトバ州ウィニペグに住む作家で、サンフランシスコを拠点とする多文化児童文学のブログとウェブサイトである PaperTigers で働いています。

カナダ マニトバ州 2011年からニマ会員 最終ログイン: 13年前
今月のニマ サイトへ貢献してくれているニマ会員をご紹介します。彼らにとってディスカバー・ニッケイの魅力とは何なのでしょうか。
Kayla Kamei @Kayla

Kayla Kamei is a freshman at UCLA majoring in English with a minor in Asian American Studies. She is a third-generation Japanese American and Chinese American, and grew up in Monterey Park, California. Kayla loves anime, instrumental scores, and delicious ramen. During her breaks, she enjoys spending time with friends and family as well as relaxing on her couch and reading a good book. She is excited about exploring her interests in literature, film, and law.

Kayla has been a Discover Nikkei volunteer writer since June 2023. She’s written several stories about local Japanese Americans arts and community organizations. Kayla is very grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this project and is excited to listen to and share more stories from her community.

What do you like most about volunteering for Discover Nikkei?

My favorite part of volunteering for Discover Nikkei has been listening to the life stories of other people of Japanese descent. It has been inspiring for me to hear their perspectives and recognize not only their successes but also their tremendous resilience in the face of adversity. Through these stories, I have learned so much more about my culture and the people in my community. I am very grateful to be a part of the Discover Nikkei project and to contribute to this space of remembrance of grief, tragedy, love, and human connection. It has been a gift being able to hear the voices of my community and an honor to help preserve their echoes.

How do you connect to your Nikkei identity?

In addition to being a part of the Discover Nikkei community, I have remained connected to my Nikkei identity in personal ways. Ever since I was born, my family has always celebrated Oshogatsu together with my Japanese grandparents where we enjoy each other’s company with traditional New Year’s food. I also love visiting Little Tokyo and attending events at the Japanese American National Museum. Through my academic studies, my connection to my culture has evolved to include a growing critical awareness of my cultural history and how it relates to the present. Educating myself on past and current injustices as well as the Japanese American community’s resilience has helped me to understand my cultural heritage as part of my Nikkei identity.

あなたはニマですか? ニマとは、ディスカバー・ニッケイのグローバルコミュニティ「ニマ会」のメンバーのことです。アカウントを作成し、ニッケイに関する体験談や個人やコミュニティのストーリー、イベントなどを共有して下さい。世界中のニマとつながりましょう! *「ニマ」は、「ニッケイ」と「仲間」を組み合わせた造語です。 アカウントの作成


シリーズ「ニッケイ人の名前2」のお気に入り作品が発表されました。選ばれたストーリーを、皆さんもぜひお読みください 🏆