




フィリピン 2024年からニマ会員 最終ログイン: 9ヶ月前

リンダは、第二次世界大戦後に日本から米国に移住した日本人の母親の娘として、また米国南部出身の米兵の父親の花嫁として、彼女と親友の体験を綴った記事をディスカバー・ニッケイに数本執筆しています。リンダ・クーパーは、広報担当者、米国上院報道官、ジャーナリストとして 30 年以上の経験を持つコミュニケーション コンサルタント兼フリーランス ライターです。ミシシッピ女子大学でジャーナリズムと政治学の学士号を取得しています。

アメリカ合衆国 テネシー州 2015年からニマ会員 最終ログイン: 5年前

アメリカ合衆国 カリフォルニア州 2009年からニマ会員 最終ログイン: 7年前
今月のニマ サイトへ貢献してくれているニマ会員をご紹介します。彼らにとってディスカバー・ニッケイの魅力とは何なのでしょうか。

Chiana Fujiwara is a junior at University of California, Irvine, where she studies psychology. Born and raised in Southern California, she is a fifth-generation Japanese American and Mexican American, and a second-generation Chinese American. Chiana enjoys solo traveling, studying in cafes, and learning about history. She also translates ancient Chinese poetry, which you can read on her website. Chiana hopes to become a clinical psychologist.

Chiana has been a Discover Nikkei volunteer writer since fall 2022, where she writes about present-day Nikkei culture in the United States. Stay tuned for more of her insightful stories in the coming months!

What do you like most about Discover Nikkei?

Throughout my time with Discover Nikkei, I have been able to dip my toes into the wide breadth of knowledge and cultural understanding that comes with interviewing many incredible artists and their works and stories from the overseas Japanese community! It has been a great privilege to learn more about those with similar backgrounds and how they each choose to uniquely embrace their identities, as well as more about the local culture and history of Japanese Americans and other overseas Japanese. I grew up with my attention mainly turned to mainstream media, which was not usually Japanese, so being able to discover and share with others the talented individuals who make media catered to spreading Japanese American culture or just generally can be there to serve as role models in the Japanese American and Asian American community is a very lovely feeling!

How do you connect to your Nikkei identity?

Aside from connecting to my Nikkei identity through speaking with my family about their experiences being Japanese American, I also have recently begun to explore Japanese food a lot more! I personally believe that food is the key to culture, and it has been dozens of fun getting to try out Japanese places with friends and try a bunch of different foods I’ve never had before. I’ve also joined the Japanese Student Association at my school, so from there I’ve met some really wonderful people who are very much more well-versed in Japanese culture than I am and are willing to help me navigate that part of my identity (especially through food).

あなたはニマですか? ニマとは、ディスカバー・ニッケイのグローバルコミュニティ「ニマ会」のメンバーのことです。アカウントを作成し、ニッケイに関する体験談や個人やコミュニティのストーリー、イベントなどを共有して下さい。世界中のニマとつながりましょう! *「ニマ」は、「ニッケイ」と「仲間」を組み合わせた造語です。 アカウントの作成

