Founded August 30, 1946, the JASC is a non-profit, 501(c)3 social services agency. The JASC was founded to assist in the resettlement of 20,000 newly-arrived Japanese Americans who had been …
Haircut; Rohwer Relocation Center, McGehee, Arkansas; January 10, 1943. Sadako Tanino Szathmary Papers; JASC Legacy Center. Courtesy of the Japanese American Service Committee Legacy Center, Chicago, Illinois
Bon Odori.
Chicago Buddhist Church now Chicago Buddhist Temple; 5487 S. Dorchester Avenue, Chicago, Illinois; August 1948.
Mary and James Numata Collection; JASC Legacy Center. Courtesy of the Japanese American Service Committee Legacy Center, Chicago, Illinois
5th Annual Community Picnic, Chicago Resettlers Committee now Japanese American Service Committee. Chicago, Illinois; July 27, 1952. Mary and James Numata Collection; JASC Legacy Center Courtesy of the Japanese American Service Committee Legacy Center, Chicago, Illinoi