2013 JANM 全米会議 - Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity


日系アメリカ人の地位回復を果たした「市民自由法」制定25周年を記念して、全米日系人博物館は、2013年7月4日から7日にかけてワシントン州シアトルで、第4回全米会議『Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity』を行いました。この会議では、民主主義、正義、尊厳をテーマに、新しい見識、学術的論考、コミュニティの観点を紹介しました。




Slides in this album 

Welcome Remarks by The Honorable Tomoko Dodo

The Honorable Tomoko Dodo, Acting Consul General, Consulate-General of Japan, spoke as part of the Opening General Session on July 5, 2013.

Welcome Remarks (Transcription):  

Good afternoon.   

It is with distinct honor that I stand in front of the distinguished participants of the 4th National Conference of the Japanese American National …

2013 JANM National Conference - The Honorable Tomoko Dodo at the Opening General Session with Keynote addresses
提供: JANM

Keynote Speech by Tom Ikeda

Tom Ikeda, Founding Executive Director of Densho, spoke as part of the Opening General Session on July 5, 2013.

Read his speech >> 

Video of his speech will be coming soon!

2013 JANM National Conference - Keynote Speaker, Tom Ikeda
提供: JANM




  • 飯野 正子、津田塾大学前学長・教授


  • 粂井 輝子 白百合女子大学教授
  • 島田 法子 日本女子大学教授
  • 高木(北山)眞理子 愛知学園大学教授


* このセッションは、UCLA日本研究、Paul I. and Hisako Terasakiセンターからの一部援助を受けています。

2013 JANM National Conference - Issei Poetry, Issei Voices (Session in Japanese) [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Japanese American History Dramatized: Realized or Supersized?

Through movie clips and discussions, this session examines how international audiences and our own community were able to visualize and better grasp the Japanese American experience in movies such as Go for Broke  (1951), Farewell to Manzanar  (1976), and Picture Bride  (1994).


[Audio] Japanese American Confinement Sites Q&A: A Town Hall Presentation

During World War II there were a variety of different confinement facilities run by the U.S. government. In this lively forum, scholars respond to inquiries from the audience about the structure, designation, and purposes of these sites.


  • Anna Tamura, Landscape Architect, National Park Service, Pacific West Region - Seattle


Japanese American Redress (For Teens)

The passage of the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 provided a presidential apology and monetary redress payments to Americans affected by Executive Order 9066. How this legislation was created, fought for, and ultimately passed is the critical second half of the World War II experience for Japanese Americans. The story …

2013 JANM National Conference - Mitchell T. Maki at Japanese American Redress (For Teens) workshop
提供: JANM

[Audio] Poetic License? Nikkei Writers and the Representation of History

Fiction—and even nonfiction—can misrepresent Nikkei history; Nikkei writing can also present history in ways that interpret the story for a greater understanding of its subjects. If a piece of writing is fictional, does it matter how it relates to (or ignores) history? This session aims to raise questions about the …

2013 JANM National Conference - Poetic License? Nikkei Writers and the Representation of History [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Tangled Routes to Japanese American Redress

While the usual narrative of Japanese American redress focuses on the roles played by the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), the National Council for Japanese American Redress (NCJAR), and the National Coalition for Redress/Reparations (NCRR), this panel explores the significant role played by less-recognized groups and individuals and illustrates the …

2013 JANM National Conference - Tangled Routes to Japanese American Redress [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Power of Commission Hearings: First Person Voices of Japanese American Incarceration

In 1981 Japanese Americans spoke out for redress at the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Interment of Civilians (CWRIC) hearings in Los Angeles. Preserved by Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress (NCRR) and Visual Communications, these testimonies galvanized a grassroots campaign, resulting in the signing of the Civil Liberties Act …

2013 JANM National Conference - Power of Commission Hearings: First Person Voices of Japanese American Incarceration at JANM National Conference [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[AUDIO] Screening and Discussion of Farewell to Manzanar with special appearance by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston

The 1976 made-for-TV film Farewell to Manzanar, written by Jeanne Wakatsuki and James Houston and directed by John Korty, was the first commercial film written, performed, photographed, and scored by Japanese Americans about the World War II camp experience. Based on the book by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, who was just seven …

2013 JANM National Conference - Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston at Screening and Discussion of Farewell to Manzanar
提供: JANM

Keynote Speech - "Legacy of Redress: Stand Up, Speak Out!" by Alan Nishio

Alan Nishio, Board President of Little Tokyo Service Center, spoke as part of the Opening Plenary on July 6, 2013.

Read his speech >> 

Video of his speech will be coming soon.

2013 JANM National Conference - Keynote Speaker, Alan Nishio
提供: JANM


このパネルでは、第二次世界大戦中の日系アメリカ人の体験を、カナダとの比較を交えて、歴史的概説を行う。具体的には、アメリカおよ びカナダの人種、エスニシティ、市民権についての概念や諸問題を考え、戦前の日本人排斥運動、「市民としての自由」の問題、強制立ち退き・収容、再定住、 戦後のリドレス運動等を扱う。


  • エミリー・アンダーソン、ワシントン州立大学助教授


  • 和泉 真澄、同志社大学教授
  • 竹沢 泰子, 京都大学教授
  • 山倉 明弘 天理大学教授

* このセッションは、UCLA日本研究、Paul I. and Hisako Terasakiセンターからの一部援助を受けています。

2013 JANM National Conference - Intro to the WWII Japanese American Experience (Session in Japanese) [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Nikkei Activism and the Civil Rights Movement

The experiences of Nikkei involved in the Civil Rights Movement show why it has been important to reach out to other ethnic communities. In their diverse voices, activists and scholars discuss what it means to be a Nikkei activist in a broader sense as well as what it means in …

2013 JANM National Conference - Nikkei Activism and the Civil Rights Movement [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Looking Like the Enemy: A Childhood View

With the passing of the first-generation Issei, the second-generation Nisei—now in their seventies and eighties—and the third-generation Sansei remain the last surviving first-person voices from the Nikkei World War II experience. This interactive presentation shares first-person recollections about childhood in a concentration camp, in a free-zone inland community, or in …

[Audio] JANM National Conference - Looking Like the Enemy: A Childhood View [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

"Your Story Matters" workshop

The history of the community is really a compilation of unique family and individual stories that we all carry. This workshop will explore our communities' history and contextualize our own individual histories within a larger narrative. In other words, your story matters!

Intended for high school students, this workshop will …

2013 JANM National Conference - Craig Ishii at Your Story Matters workshop
提供: JANM

[Audio] Border Crossings: A Comparative Assessment of Japanese American and Japanese Canadian Redress

This panel compares the Japanese Canadian and Japanese American postwar redress experiences through the voices of those who were involved in the movements.


  • Art Hansen, Professor Emeritus, History and Asian American Studies, California State University, Fullerton


[Audio] Pilgrimages' Progress: Manzanar, Tule Lake, Minidoka

For many years, five War Relocation Authority concentration camp sites have incorporated pilgrimages into their commemorative process. This panel brings together multigenerational representatives from Manzanar, Tule Lake, and Minidoka pilgrimage groups to discuss the origins of the organizations, their achievements, and their plans for the future.


[Audio] Nikkei Veterans and the Transformation of America

The veterans from the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team, and Military Intelligence Service played a lesser-known but major role in the redress movement. Their efforts in war and peace remind our nation to live up to its ideals of democracy, justice, and dignity.


[Audio] East of the Exclusion Zone

Too little is known about Japanese Americans living in the Pacific Northwest interior of Eastern Washington, Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Panelists share what life was like for the Issei and Nisei in this region of scattered and less-populated Nikkei sites.


[Audio] Taiko: The Powerful Expression of Nikkei Identity

Since the late 1960s, hundreds of taiko ensembles have been organized throughout North America. Today, the art form continues to connect people of different generations, regions, and cultural backgrounds. This multigenerational panel shares thoughts on the role of taiko in Nikkei activism and how it has shaped individual identities.


【音声のみ】「私たちは戦争と結婚したのではない」: 日系史における「戦争花嫁」(日本語セッション)



  • ジュンコ・コンドウ
  • ミシェル・リン
  • クライセル・マンゾノ
  • マリコ・サンディコ
  • アニア・ヨシズミ


  • ウェスリー・ウエウンテン サンフランシスコ州立大学、アジア系アメリカ人研究教授


  • スティーブン・H・スミダ、ワシントン大学、アメリカン・エスニック研究教授
  • 高木(北山)真理子 愛知学院大学教授

* このセッションは、UCLA日本研究、Paul I. and Hisako Terasakiセンターからの一部援助を受けています。

2013 JANM National Conference - We Didn't Marry the War: Stories of War Brides in Nikkei History (Session in Japanese) [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

"Issei Poetry from Santa Fe" workshop

Venture into the thoughts and emotions of the Issei  who were interned in the Santa Fe Department of Justice camp. This hands-on workshop includes an opportunity for youth to write and present their own poetry.


  • Ella-Kari Loftfield, Secondary Social Studies Teacher 

* No audio is available for this session.

2013 JANM National Conference - Ella-Kari Loftfield
提供: JANM

[Audio] The Tule Lake Segregation Center: Its History and Significance

In fall 1943, more than 10 percent of the unjustly confined Nikkei population was imprisoned in the maximum security Tule Lake Segregation Center, a consequence of their refusal to give unqualified affirmation to two so-called loyalty questions. This nonviolent protest, defined as disloyalty by the U.S. government, has been virtually …

2013 JANM National Conference - The Tule Lake Segregation Center: Its History and Significance [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Pilgrimages' Progress: Amache and Heart Mountain

For many years, five War Relocation Authority concentration camp sites have incorporated pilgrimages into their commemorative process. This panel brings together multigenerational representatives from Amache and Heart Mountain pilgrimage groups to discuss the origins of the organizations, their achievements, and their plans for the future.


[Audio] World War II and Redress Experiences of Japanese Alaskans and Aleuts

The history of Japanese Alaskans and the Aleuts of the Aleutian and Pribilof Islands remains a relatively unknown story. This panel reveals how their divergent histories converged on the road to the Civil Liberties Act of 1988.


  • Ronald K. Inouye, Retired, University of Alaska, Fairbanks


Keynote Speech - "The Living Legacy of Japanese American Redress" by Eric K. Yamamoto

Eric K. Yamamoto, Fred T. Korematsu Professor of Law and Social Justice, William S. Richardson School of Law, University of Hawai'i, gave the keynote address at the Luncheon Banquet on July 6, 2013.

Read his speech >> 

Video of his speech will be coming soon.

2013 JANM National Conference - Keynote Speaker, Prof. Eric K. Yamamoto
提供: JANM

[Audio] The World War II Nikkei Experiences in the Pacific Rim (Hawai`i, Latin America, Japan)

The issue of citizenship rights of persons of Japanese ancestry who resided in the Pacific Rim at the onset of World War II remains an important one. The panel focuses on the experience of living under martial law, forcible removal, limited incarceration, and being stranded in a foreign country, among …

2013 JANM National Conference - The World War II Nikkei Experiences in the Pacific Rim (Hawai`i, Latin America, Japan) [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

【音声のみ】99 年の愛/憎しみ (日本語セッション)

2010年11月、TBSテレビは開局60周年5夜連続特別企画「99年の愛—Japanese Americans」を放映した。2010年の放映以来、数百万の人々に視聴されている。このドラマは、平松家の人々が夢を抱いてアメリカに渡り、アメリカの日本人排斥や、一家を引き裂く太平洋戦争の過酷な試練に屈せず、苦難を乗り越えてきた一家の愛の物語である。このパネルでは、このドラマの歴史的背景を討議し、ドラマが与える誤解のもとを明確にし、さらに日本での反響と日系アメリカ人の歴史がどのように理解されたかを議論する。


  • 飯野 正子 津田塾大学前学長・教授


  • 飯野 正子 津田塾大学前学長・教授
  • 粂井 輝子 白百合女子大学教授
  • 島田 法子 日本女子大学教授


* このセッションは、UCLA日本研究、Paul I. and Hisako Terasakiセンターからの一部援助を受けています。

2013 JANM National Conference - 99 Years of Love/Hate (Session in Japanese) [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

Stan Sakai's Usagi Yojimbo

For more than 25 years, fans around the world have been enjoying Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo . Usagi Yojimbo is inspired by the historical figure Miyamoto Musashi from seventeenth-century feudal Japan. Through Usagi, people of all ages have engaged with and become passionate about Japanese history and their own cultural heritage. …

2013 JANM National Conference - Stan Sakai signing a fan's T-shirt
提供: JANM

[Audio] Hirabayashi, Korematsu, and Yasui: Family Perspectives

In 1983 coram nobis  petitions were filed in federal district courts in Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland on behalf of Gordon Hirabayashi, Fred Korematsu, and Minoru Yasui; these petitions contended that the 1943 and 1944 Supreme Court decisions in their cases had fundamental errors and demonstrated manifest injustice on the part …

2013 JANM National Conference - Hirabayashi, Korematsu, and Yasui: Family Perspectives [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

[Audio] Standing on Principle

Protest and dissent have historically constituted a robust strain within American history. This panel discusses the principled resistance by Issei, Nisei, and non-Japanese Americans during World War II.


  • Soji Kashiwagi, Executive Producer/Playwright, Grateful Crane Ensemble


[Audio] In My Parents' Words: Voices from Department of Justice Camps

Prohibited by law from becoming naturalized U.S. citizens, select Issei were the first to be confined in Department of Justice camps following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor. In addition, Nisei and Kibei who later renounced their American citizenship were removed to Department of Justice camps. Deemed enemy aliens, they were …

2013 JANM National Conference - In My Parents' Words: Voices from Department of Justice Camps [AUDIO]
提供: JANM

Moderator Irene Hirano Inouye at the Closing General Session

All conference registrants are encouraged to attend this closing session entitled, Looking Forward. Five presenters will share their diverse thoughts on how we can and must continue to weave the Japanese American experience into evolving national and international narratives. The five presentations will be followed by a moderated Q&A session.

2013 JANM National Conference - Moderator Irene Hirano Inouye at the Closing General Session
提供: JANM

Presentation at the Closing General Session by Lane Maki

Lane Maki, student, spoke as part of the Closing General Session on July 6, 2013.

Video of her presentation will be added online soon! 

2013 JANM National Conference - Presenter Lane Maki
提供: JANM

Presentation at the Closing General Session by Craig Ishii

Craig Ishii, Executive Director of Kizuna, spoke as part of the Closing General Session on July 6, 2013.

Video of his presentation will be added online soon! 

2013 JANM National Conference - Presenter Craig Ishii
提供: JANM

Presentation at the Closing General Session by Masako Iino

Masako Iino, Past President and Professor at the Tsuda College, spoke as part of the Closing General Session on July 6, 2013.

Video of her presentation will be added online soon! 

2013 JANM National Conference - Presenter Masako Iino
提供: JANM

Presentation at the Closing General Session by Dr. Greg Robinson

Dr. Greg Robinson, Ph.D., Professor of History at the Université du Québec À Montréal, spoke as part of the Closing General Session on July 6, 2013.

Video of his presentation will be added online soon! 

2013 JANM National Conference - Presenter Greg Robinson
提供: JANM

Presentation at the Closing General Session by Dr. Sybil Jordan Hampton

Dr. Sybil Jordan Hampton, Retired President of the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, spoke at the Closing General Session on July 6, 2013. 

Video of her presentation will be added online soon! 

2013 JANM National Conference - Presenter Dr. Sybil Jordan Hampton
提供: JANM

Q&A; at the Closing General Session

A moderated Q&A session at the Closing General session.


  • Irene Hirano Inouye, President, U.S.-Japan Council 


  • Sybil Jordan Hampton, Ed.D., Retired President, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation 
  • Masako Iino, Past President and Professor, Tsuda College 
  • Craig Ishii, Executive Director, Kizuna 
  • Lane Maki, Student 
  • Greg Robinson, Ph.D., Professor of History, Université du Québec À Montréal 

* Video of the …

2013 JANM National Conference - Q&A; at the Closing General Session
提供: JANM

[VIDEO] The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta - Keynote Address at Dinner Banquet

The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, former U.S. Secretary of Transportation, delivers a keynote address at the Japanese American National Museum's "Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity" National Conference on July 6, 2013 in Seattle, Washington.

Read his speech >>

2013 JANM National Conference - Keynote Address by the Honorable Norman Y. Mineta [VIDEO]
提供: JANM

Bainbridge Island Bus Tour

Journey through history as you discover the Japanese American experience on Bainbridge Island. The tour bus will take the ferry from Seattle to Bainbridge Island where local Islanders will lead the tour to five key Island landmarks—Bainbridge Island Japanese American Exclusion Memorial, Bainbridge Gardens, Suyematsu Farm, Woodward Middle School, and …

2013 JANM National Conference - Bainbridge Island Bus Tour
提供: JANM

2013 JANM National Conference

The Japanese American National Museum organized the National Conference "Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity" from July 4  to 7, 2013 in Seattle, Washington.

2013 JANM National Conference
提供: JANM

Album Type

national conference

JANM — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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