Nikkei Farmers of the Hood River Area
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Fourth of July, Parkdale, OR, ca. 1935
The Issei felt their roots sinking into the American soil. Their children were American citizens. Integrating into the mainstream of American life was not always easy despite the hard work by the Hood River area Japanese. Successes were met with resentment and intolerance. Gambatte –- "Stick to it, don’t give up!" The Issei worked for the sake of their children. Parents felt pressures not easily understood by their young American children.
By 1940, the Japanese of Hood River County numbered 462 (162 Issei). They produced 90% of the county's asparagus, 80% of the strawberries, 35% of the pears, and 20% of the apples. A 1940 report counted 88 farms in operation, cultivating 2,222 acres.
Photo: Courtesy of Chiz Tamura.
Content © Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center.
Based on this original
Fourth of July, Parkdale, Oregon, ca. 1935. |