National Japanese American Memorial in Washington D.C.


In April 2005, my husband and I spent our first anniversary in Washington D.C. to see the National Cherry Blossom Festival.

As part of our trip, we visited the National Japanese American Memorial in Washington D.C. Here are some photographs of the Memorial.

Slides in this album 

front of memorial area

This is the entrance to the Memorial area. The sakura (cherry blossom trees) were in full bloom while we were there.

National Japanese American Memorial in Washington D.C.
提供: vkm

inside the memorial area

The Memorial includes a still water feature, sakura trees, a sculpture, and a wall that curves around with the names of the ten WRA camps and various quotes inscribed on it.

National Japanese American Memorial
提供: vkm

camp wall

The memorial includes a wall engraved with information about the WWII incarceration of Japanese Americans, quotes, and sections with the names and populations of each of the 10 camps.

National Japanese American Memorial
提供: vkm

camp wall - Rohwer

My mother's family was sent to Rohwer, Arkansas during WWII. My mother was born at the hospital at Rohwer.

National Japanese American Memorial - Manzanar and Rohwer
提供: vkm

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online exhibition

vkm — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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