


(Roy Y. Sakamoto)

ロイ・Y・サカモトは第二次世界大戦後に生まれた二世で、カリフォルニア州サンノゼのイチゴ農園で育ち、後に父の園芸作業を手伝いました。米国空軍の部門財務マネージャーを退職したロイは、ロサンゼルスのリトル東京にある全米日系人博物館のボランティアガイドを務めています。また、南カリフォルニア日系人歴史協会の会長も務めています。ロイにとってトゥーリー湖巡礼は大変意味深いものでした。なぜなら、戦時中、ロイの家族全員がヒラ川とトゥーリー湖の強制収容所に 4 年近く収容されていたからです。



My Name is “BAKA”: Issei Discipline & Expectations in a Dr. Spock World

2014年2月24日 • ロイ・Y・サカモト

As a “baby boomer” raised by Issei parents on a farm in San Jose, CA after the war, I’ve often thought about how different it might have been if I had been raised as part of the “Dr. Spock1 generation” of my suburban hakujin (Caucasian) classmates. I often heard my hakujin friends have discussions with their parents about, (1) why they weren’t allowed to do something; (2) making excuses for not getting something done; or (3) denying blame when they …

2012 TULE LAKE PILGRIMAGE - Understanding “No-No” and Renunciation - June 30 – July 3, 2012

2012年9月25日 • ロイ・Y・サカモト

My whole family was imprisoned for almost four years in America’s concentration camps by the federal government during and after World War II. Over two years of their incarceration was spent at the worst of the War Relocation Authority (WRA) prisons, the Tule Lake Segregation Center in northern California. In 1943, the WRA decided to set up one of the ten prisons as a “segregation center” because all of the prison camps had a vocal minority who continually protested their …

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