


(Hiroshi Kashiwagi)


1952年にカリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)で東洋言語学の学士号を取得し、1966年にカリフォルニア大学バークレー校で文学修士号を取得。アメリカ仏教会本部で編集者、翻訳者、通訳者、英語秘書として勤務。また、文学と言語を専門とし、サンフランシスコ公共図書館の参考司書も務めた。著書に、2005年アメリカン・ブック・アワードを受賞した『Swimming in the American: A Memoir and Selected Writings』 、および『Shoe Box Plays』 、『 Ocean Beach: Poems』 、『 Starting from Loomis and Other Stories』がある。主な出演作には、サンフランシスコのユーレカ劇場で制作された舞台『 The Wash』 、映画『ひと・はた』 (1980年、ロバート・ナカムラ監督)、 『ブラック・レイン』 (1989年、リドリー・スコット監督)、 『月下のうさぎ』 (1999年、大森恵美子監督)、 『インフィニティ』『チャーシューラーメン』 (2013年、カーウィン・バーク監督)などがある。






2019年12月19日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ , トレイシー・カトウ=キリヤマ



2016年12月15日 • エイミー・ウエマツ , ヒロシ・カシワギ , トレイシー・カトウ=キリヤマ

コラムの初回投稿では、場所、ロケーション、コミュニティというテーマから始め、2 人のベテラン詩人、1962 年からサンフランシスコを拠点に活動する二世詩人の柏木博氏と、ロサンゼルス生まれの三世詩人エイミー・ウエマツ氏にスポットライトを当てたいと考えました。創作活動と生活の多くを詩に捧げ、多くの人に影響を与えてきた 2 人の作家から始められることを嬉しく思います。彼らの詩が明らかにするものに乾杯... —トレイシー・カトウ・キリヤマ* * * * * 1922年にサクラメン…

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
My Opposition to the Registration

2013年9月17日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

Background I will begin with a brief background of my life before camp as I feel it has some bearing on my reaction to the loyalty questionnaire or the so-called “Registration” order. My parents being aliens, foreigners, and outsiders, I remember that our life was quite marginalized. For example, my father’s store at the far end of town was always referred to as the “Jap store” by the people in town. Growing up, I constantly heard my father use the term …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Tule Lake - Part 2 of 2

2013年7月16日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

Read Part 1 >>I was having the time of my life, working a few hours a day as a dishwasher in the mess hall and devoting the rest of my time to what I loved—acting, reading, writing, and meeting people with similar interests. Camp life was great. But it all came to an abrupt end in February 1943 with the so-called “loyalty registration,” which was a joint order by the Army and the WRA to facilitate the Army in recruiting …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Tule Lake - Part 1 of 2

2013年7月9日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

When we arrived at Tule Lake in the morning, we were greeted by a man who claimed to be our Block Manager. It was nice to have someone welcome us on our arrival at this desolate place near the northern border of California. “If you need anything just ask me,” he said. He provided us with mattresses and Army blankets; we unpacked and settled in. After the miserable experience in Arboga, we were excited about the flush toilets in the …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Free Streets

2013年7月1日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

It was in March of 1946, the morning after my brother, sister, and I came out of camp. We had been given $25 each and a free ride on the train. The train seemed better than the old milk train with the shade drawn that took us to Tule Lake in 1942. After being held until almost the closing of camp, we were finally released. I guess we were used to being confined, but camp was nearly deserted. We were …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
A Trip to Cedarville

2013年6月17日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

It was near the closing of camp, when restrictions were being relaxed a bit, that I heard from our neighbor George about Mr. Crane, the Camp Reports Officer, taking a small group to entertain some high school students at Cedarville. Cedarville is in Modoc County, about 120 miles from Tule Lake. George and a few of his musician friends were going and he asked me if I would be interested in joining them. My first thought was “I don’t sing …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
Radio Station KOBY in Medford, Oregon

2013年5月30日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

Daytime we could get only two radio stations—small town stations in Medford and Klamath Falls, Oregon that played incessantly. the women dug the lakebedand turned up seashellslong dormant in the sandsorted and cleanedpainted and shellackedthey became ornamental thingstrinkets and necklacesmade in captivity   this is Radio Station KOBY in Medford, Oregon we took pieces of 2 x 4whittled and carved themmine were unremarkablebut old Yoshimoto-sanalways did womena shelf lined with themsevere and woodboundmore Egyptian than Japaneseall frontal and nude   this is …

Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity
The Block Manager’s Canary

2013年5月23日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

I knew three block managers in camp—actually, four, as I was one myself. Though I don’t consider myself a regular block manager, since I served only a few months toward the end of camp when there was little administrative work. But recently a former resident of my block unnerved me by announcing to one and all, “He was our Block Manager!” I didn’t know how to take that. A block manager was indeed an important functionary in the block. He …

A Visit to The White House

2011年6月18日 • ヒロシ・カシワギ

It was a windfall event, unexpected and surreal, especially the jaw-dropping reaction of the people. “You mean The White House?” “Yes.” “You’re kidding me?” “No.” And we showed the invitation from The President and Mrs. Obama to An Evening of Poetry at The White House on Wednesday, May 11, 2011 at six thirty o’clock. On Monday evening we were met at the airport by Dr. Raymond Murakami, a prominent dentist to Washington, D.C. power brokers, politicians, and celebrities such as …

ニッケイのストーリーを募集しています! 世界に広がるニッケイ人のストーリーを集めたこのジャーナルへ、コラムやエッセイ、フィクション、詩など投稿してください。 詳細はこちら
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