


(Chris Hope)


クリス・ホープはトロント在住の弁護士、作家であり、 『Hatsumi – One Grandmother's Journey Through the Japanese Canadian Internment』の監督でもある。プロデューサーとして手掛けた最新作『 The Wrecking Crew』は、2015年UKミュージックビデオアワード最優秀ドキュメンタリー賞を受賞した。




2018年11月14日 • クリス・ホープ



2016年1月26日 • クリス・ホープ

良いことは必ず終わりが来ますが、その終わりはあまりにも早く来ています。10月末、私はブロードウェイのロングエーカー劇場で『Allegiance』のプレビューに参加するという栄誉に恵まれました。私は強制収容所ミュージカルというアイデアに少なからず不安を感じていましたが、 「Allegiance」の制作チームがこのショーに採用したアプローチを目の当たりにした後、この作品は日系アメリカ人コミュニティにとって、できるだけ幅広い観客に強制収容所の物語を伝える、私の世代にとって最高の機…

To Be Takei

2014年5月15日 • クリス・ホープ

“A musical?” says Leonard Nimoy, “on that?” He bursts out laughing. “A musical about the internment?” asks U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye, wincing, “no, I would have never imagined that.” Actor, activist, and media personality George Takei has had an interesting life, but the new documentary To Be Takei so unflinchingly sheds such light on the struggles he has triumphed over that audiences can’t help but to leave inspired. We all recall his days as Sulu at the helm of the …

Top Legal Award Re-dedicated In Honor Of Senator Daniel K. Inouye

2013年12月16日 • クリス・ホープ

At the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association national convention in Kansas City on November 8, NAPABA’s highest honour, formerly the NAPABA Trailblazer Award, was re-dedicated as the Senator Daniel K. Inouye NAPABA Trailblazer Award to serve as an ongoing tribute the achievements of U.S. Senator Daniel K. Inouye (1924-2012). NAPABA represents over 40,000 Asian lawyers and judges in the U.S. and approximately 3,000 Asian lawyers, judges, and students in Canada, through the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL). NAPABA …

70th Anniversary of the Japanese American/Japanese Canadian Internment: Redress, Remember, Relate – Contrasting the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian Internment Experiences in Washington D.C. - Part 2

2012年12月27日 • クリス・ホープ

Read Part 1 >> In contrast to Kawakami and Minami’s discussions that focused on the fact that it was the incremental gains of specific legal victories that lead to the redress in the U.S., it was very interesting to learn from Justice Omatsu that the Canadian road to redress was, comparatively, much more collectivist and political in nature. In Canada we had no banner cases or new “bright line” precedents to turn to, but the fight for the hearts and minds …

70th Anniversary of the Japanese American/Japanese Canadian Internment: Redress, Remember, Relate – Contrasting the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian Internment Experiences in Washington D.C. - Part 1

2012年12月20日 • クリス・ホープ

On November 15, I travelled to Washington D.C. to appear in a panel assembled to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Japanese American and Japanese Canadian internments at the annual conference of the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA). In attendance were 1,800 lawyer-delegates from across North America. The panel I presented with consisted of Dale Minami, Rod Kawakami, and Justice Maryka Omatsu. Minami and Kawakami are two of the architects of the legal challenges that led to the …

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