

The Japanese Press in Peru - Part 3

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For almost a decade there were no Japanese-language newspapers circulating in Peru until July 1st 1950, when Peru Shimpo (Recent News from Peru) appeared, which remains in circulation today, and whose publication was authorized by Ministerial Resolution 107 of July 1st 1948. Peru Shimpo, just like Andes Jiho in 1913, was a product of donations gathered from among the members of the Japanese community. The organization for fundraising, as well as the donations lasted two years. With the proceeds the editors purchased machinery and the necessary typography, both of which arrived in Peru in February of 1950.

Diro Hasegawa was elected president of the board of directors, Masao Sawada as manager and Hiromu Sakuray as administrator and translator. The head of workshop was Kaname Ito, while some of the writers were Junji Kimura, Giei Higa, and Chihito Saito.  Saito was also in charge of the Spanish section of the newspaper.

After a year in circulation, Peru Shimpo Press acquired office space in Lima downtown. At the end of the 1990s, the Japanese philanthropist, Ryoichi Jinnai, donated to the press a second-hand offset machine that remains in use today. At the start of the new century, the press relocated to Bellavista, Callao.

The publication was printed in the standard format and had four pages.  In the beginning moveable type characterized the process. Later, the publication increased to eight pages. In 2006 a new design system was introduced along with color pages and in 2010 Peru Shimpo became a tabloid.

In 2006 Peru Shimpo modernized its design and introduced color. Alan García, the president of Peru, sent prepared remarks to the Nikkei community that was published there.

On October 1 1955, which is to say, five years after the start date of Peru Shimpo, a second Japanese newspaper appeared in the post-war era: Peru Asahi Shimbun (Morning in Peru). Ryoko Kiyohiro was in charge of editing the Japanese sections and Víctor Hayashi the Spanish ones. The newspaper circulated until March 1964 when it shut down due to financial problems.

Prensa Nikkei (Nikkei Press) appeared in 1985 and remains as the only Spanish-language tabloid in circulation.

Toward the end of the 1950s and the beginning of the 1960s other periodicals appeared, many of them of great prestige, including Puente, Juventud Nisey, Nikko, and Sakura. These publications also enjoyed a modicum of success, but, unfortunately, they disappeared one by one, fundamentally because of a lack of financing. At present, only the institutional periodicals remain, such as Kaikan, which is the news branch of the Peruvian-Japanese Association and AELU, a branch of the Stadium Association La Unión, among others.

* This article is published under an agreement between the San Marcos Foundation for the Development of Science and Culture at the National University of San Marcos and the Japanese-American National Museum and its Discover Nikkei project.

© 2010 Alejandro Sakuda

アンデス時報(新聞) 日本語新聞 ペルー日系人協会(Japanese-Peruvian Association) ジャーナリズム Juventud Nisey(新聞) Kaikan(雑誌) リマ メディア 新聞 日系メディア Nikko(雑誌) ペルー 秘露朝日新聞 ペルー新報 Puente(雑誌)

アレハンドロ・サクダは、ペルーのカトリック・ポンティフィカル大学を卒業したジャーナリストで、同窓会会長を2度務めた。ペルーの新聞社「ラ・レプブリカ・イ・エル・ソル」や「ディアリオ・ペルー・シンポ」の編集長を務めた。著書に『ペルーの未来:日本人移民100年』 (リマ、エシコス、1999年、600ページ)がある。現在は、コミュニケーションコンサルタントとして活動している。

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