BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20051118T000000Z DTEND:20051119T000000Z DESCRIPTION:JAPAN EXPO\, a convention to highlight and celebrate all things Japanese\, will be held Saturday and Sunday\, November 18 and 19\, 2005\, at the Los Angeles Convention Center. The event will feature a Sushi Maki competition\, a Soul Caliber III video game tournament\, Japanese food\, music\, dance\, and exhibitors.\n\nThe theme for the expo is PEACE 60. JAP AN EXPO will recognize and celebrate the 60th anniversary of PEACE between the U.S and Japan. One purpose of JAPAN EXPO is to provide an enjoyable o pportunity for both countries' citizens to bridge cultural differences and to learn from each other. \n\nJAPAN EXPO will offer a multitude of exhibi ts including fine art\, automobiles\, apparel\, anime-manga\, games\, arts and crafts\, food\, health products\, garden exhibits\, workshops and mul tiple entertainment stages. \n\nSeveral workshops will be offered during t he Expo including traditional woodcarving\, origami\, Japanese calligraphy (shuji)\, a textile design (roketsu-zome) class\, and more. A range of ho liday gift ideas will be offered for sale\, ranging from silks\, jewelry\, books\, and health products to arts and craft supplies. Japanese food pro ducts will include green tea\, seaweed\, and a variety of health food prod ucts. \n\nFor the sake and shochu connoisseur there will be sampling stati ons and for the culinary connoisseur there will be an array of Japanese cu linary delights including sushi\, teriyaki\, yakisoba and udon noodles. \n \nThe Sushi Maki Competition should be interesting and entertaining\, with two teams of 50 people competing to make an 80-foot-long Maki-Sushi!\n\nG eneral admission prices at the door are $12 for adults\, children under 12 are free. According to the event website\, discounted tickets are also av ailable online until November 19. The discounted prices are $9.00 for adul ts and children under 12 are free.\n\nThe expo will be held in the Los Ang eles Convention Center\, West Hall A\, at 1201 S. Figueroa St.\, Los Angel es\, CA 90015\n\nFor more information\, see\n<a href="http://www.japanexpo .org/index.html"></a> DTSTAMP:20240909T223118Z SUMMARY:Japan Expo -- Los Angeles -- Nov. 18 & 19\, 2005 URL:/en/events/2005/11/18/japan-expo----los-angeles----nov-18--19-2005/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR